Being in Touch
6:00 PM18:00

Being in Touch

Skan Reichian Bodyworkshop 

·      Our birth-right:

We are all born with a natural emotional flexibility to support our connection with self and the world. If all goes well and we are humanly met in our physical, emotional and mental needs, we can develop into creative, relational, sensual and loving human beings, able to trust and express ourselves according to the rational of the moment.

We dare to be vulnerable and courageous, loving and angry, silly and profound, excited and shy, ecstatic and quiet, furious and gentle. We are able to enjoy the company of others and spending time alone.  We can feel and voice a clear “yes” or “no”. In other words we can feel deliciously alive.

·      Reclaiming your birth-right:

Throughout your life you might have experienced trauma in various forms. Even though you might not consciously remember, your body holds the memory. As children we might have unconsciously “chosen” to sacrifice our innate emotional flexibility in order to fit in. Most of us have lost the ability to experience the profound joy of a feeling breath from head to toe. We got used to shallow breathing and tightened muscles. Unconsciously we are holding on to old patterns and emotions that no longer serve us.

Even though we cannot change past events, we do have the capability to heal and feel whole and alive again. You can find a voice beyond words. You can reclaim your birth-right.

Skan is a process beyond words that supports your emotional aliveness and resilience, your ability to be present and to trust your own intuition, to enjoy and express your creative potential. Breath by breath you will learn to conduct your own life energy, cultivate emotional intelligence and delight in the steaming sensations of your own body. 

·      How we work:

During the course this workshop we will follow a fundamental principal of Reichian body-work:

In order to feel and release emotional trauma, chronic reactive emotions and stagnant energies within the body, we need to elevate our own life force via deep and rhythmic breathing. What hinders the free flow of your life-energy can thus be felt and released. Many new experiences will follow.  

Werner and Lydia are deeply committed to providing a safe and respectful space. Based on decades of experience, we are able to spontaneously adapt and create exercises and interventions to best support your healing process. This includes breathing rituals, streaming theater, scenic integration, movement exercises, dance and much more.

We are not promising a weekend of instant healing but a journey of deep discoveries.

Lydia Becker

Lydia has been a Skan - Reichian therapist and instructor for over 25 years. She studied Skan - Reichian Therapy in Germany. Lydia is a founding member of the Skan Academy. She has practiced in Germany, France and the United States and currently lives and works in Marin County. Lydia is a licensed German midwife. She has delivered more than 400 babies in a homebirth setting. Her knowledge of pregnancy, child-birth and pre and postnatal psychology deeply influences her work.

Werner Sattlegger

Werner has worked in management positions in various European companies. Currently he works in the field of personal development and leadership training. In 2015 he founded “Art of Life“ whose goal is to enable mindset shifts within organizations and leadership relations. Werner has studied Skan – Reichian therapy in Germany, with a special focus on group dynamics and Gestalt therapy. He is a Skan therapist, co-author of the book “When Longing Grows Beyond Fear“ and author “Art of Leadership”


Location: Schurig Center, 1132Magnolie Avenue, Larkspur, California

We kindly ask that the registration fee (USD 480) be paid by September 15, 2022 via PayPal:


Please send us a brief note, up to a paragraph (or longer if you desire) about your background and your interest in attending the workshop. Please feel free to contact us any time for further questions.


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Buchpräsentation "Die Kunst reifer Führung"
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Buchpräsentation "Die Kunst reifer Führung"

Einladung Buchpräsentation "Art of Leadership - Die Kunst reifer Führung"

Dienstag 20.09.2022, 19.00 Uhr, Robert-Musil-Institut, 1. Stock, Bahnhofstraße 50, 9020 Klagenfurt

  • Begrüßung: Wolfgang Gratzer, Regionaldirektor Generali

  • Einführung: Oliver Welter, Musiker und Leadsänger Naked Lunch

  • Lesung: Werner Sattlegger, Founder Art of Life

  • Oliver Welter im Gespräch mit Werner Sattlegger

In meinem neuen Buch „Art of Leadership - Die Kunst reifer Führung“ erzähle ich sehr persönlich über Neuorientierungen in meinem Berufsweg, aus meinen Erfahrungen im Top Management, sowie aus über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in der Begleitung von Führungskr.ften. Ich habe versucht dies mit Einsichten aus der Philosophie, der Gestalttherapie und der Theaterarbeit zu verbinden und bin zur Erkenntnis gekommen, dass eine reife Führung das ist, worauf es nun ankommt.

Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Führung jetzt Empathie, Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit braucht, keine hohlen Phrasen oder automatenhaften Marionetten. Ich darf sehr herzlich zu dieser Buchpräsentation am 20.09.2022, 19h00 einladen und freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen oder Kennenlernen.

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